30+ Years of Industry Experience as a “Comfort Expert”
Orchard Valley has been working with Viessmann products in Western Massachusetts for the past 30 years.
As one of the regions most knowledgeable hydronic heating system specialists, Orchard Valley has won 12 Quality Home Comfort Awards.
Jim Patterson
+ 413-527-5812
Viessmann Vitocrossal cu3a Boiler installation
viessmann oil fired boiler system
Viessmann Servicing:
If you have an existing Viessmann Heating System and would like to partner with Orchard Valley for your annual servicing requirements, please feel free to reach out to Jim Patterson at Jimp@orchardvalleyhc.com or fill out a contact form on the Contact page!
Viessmann vitodens 222 combi water heater / boiler system
vitodens 200 wall mounted boiler system - viessmann indirect water heater
Veissmann New Installation:
If it’s time to replace that old inefficient heating system, contact Orchard Valley today for an HVAC assessment. Rebates are at an all-time high so the time might be right to finally invest in your new home comfort system!